Can You Combine Massage and Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care and massage therapy are sometimes thought of as mutually exclusive treatment modalities. However, these treatment methods can be used as complementary therapeutic methods to decrease pain, improve range of motion, and accomplish a variety of other rehab goals.

In this post, we’ll take a look at these two treatment methods and discuss how they can be combined in order to help patients recover from whatever ailments they are suffering from.

Massage Therapy

Surprisingly, massage therapy is a fairly broad term that encompasses many different treatments. For instance, massage therapists may utilize Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, and/or other techniques for their patients. 

Massage can be used by anyone. Athletes and those who work physically strenuous jobs benefit significantly from receiving massages on a regular basis. These individuals experience decreased muscle tightness and improved functional ability throughout their bodies shortly after they receive their massage treatments. 

On the other hand, post-surgical patients and those who are experiencing painful conditions can benefit from massage as well. For these patients, the massage therapist can improve the mobility of scar tissue, help relieve pain, and generally assist the patient in overcoming their limitations.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care involves, at its core, the use of treatments that realign the spine. By firmly, yet gently pressing on subluxed areas of the spine, your chiropractor can “reduce” these areas. Once these treatments are performed, patients often feel immediate relief, which can last for days, weeks, or longer.

With regular chiropractic care, patients are continually assessed for any abnormalities, and these issues are corrected before they cause problems.

Combining Chiropractic Care and Massage

So, can chiropractic care be combined with massage? The answer is a resounding: yes! In fact, combining these two treatments helps to address different aspects of an injury. Specifically, massage therapy addresses soft tissue issues, while chiropractic care addresses issues associated with the nervous system and the vertebral column.

Common Conditions Addressed by Chiropractic Care and Massage 

There are a number of conditions that respond well to combined chiropractic and massage care. In this section, we’ll examine a few of these conditions.

Low Back Pain

Low back pain affects tons of people every year. Unfortunately, there are some estimates that nearly 80% of all people will experience low back pain at least once in their lifetimes. 

This issue has caused many headaches for providers and patients alike, as we all search for the best treatment for the condition. As is often the case with painful conditions, every instance of low back pain is unique, and requires an individualized treatment approach. 

Luckily, chiropractic care combined with massage therapy seems to provide the best outcomes possible.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition. While it is not as common as low back pain, it affects many people every year. This issue causes unbearable pain for seemingly no reason at all.

Many fibromyalgia patients respond well to chiropractic care combined with very light massage therapy. 

Neck Pain

Loads of office workers suffer from chronic and acute neck pain. This is often due to poor posture maintained by office workers while they’re on the clock. 

Often, the muscle tightness and joint restriction seen in cases of neck pain require a team approach from your chiropractor and your massage therapist. These professionals can work together to relieve your pain and help you return to your life without this troublesome ailment. 

If you are looking for ways to improve your rehab outcomes, consider combining chiropractic care with massage. Once you’ve gotten the go-ahead from your doctor, set up your appointment with your favorite massage therapist and your Noblesville chiropractor at Anchor Health Chiropractic. Don’t wait, book your session now!

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