3 Wellness Tips for Seniors

As we get older, we are often reminded of how important our health is to our quality of life. But many people do not learn good, healthy habits early in life, then have a tough time developing them later on.

Luckily, it’s never too late to get started on your wellness journey. In this article, we’ll outline three ways for seniors to easily add some healthy habits into their lives. 

Tip #1: Stay Active

Exercise is medicine. Truly, getting regular exercise can reduce the risk and improve the symptoms of so many different conditions including:

  • Heart disease.
  • Lung disease.
  • Certain cancers.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Certain autoimmune conditions.

This list is not exhaustive in any way. Exercise can help with almost any ailment.

Not to mention, working out can make you stronger and more resilient. In this way, whenever you contract a virus or become injured, you tend to recover more quickly if you have more baseline strength. 

Best of all, it really doesn’t take much exercise to reap the rewards of this activity. By simply walking at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes, 5 times a week, you’ll hit all of your cardio goals. Any extra is simply icing on the cake!

As far as resistance training goes, even just 2-3 days a week of total body resistance training can help to build strong muscles and bones.

Lastly, flexibility exercise, such as yoga, should be completed 2-3 times a week with total body stretching for about 30-45 minutes.

That’s not a lot of time commitment, and it provides a huge benefit!

Also, by visiting your chiropractor often, you’ll be able to stay active more easily.

Tip #2: Eat Well

In addition to exercising for healthy aging, maintaining a healthy diet is key. In other words, the fuel we put in our bodies through food is equally important to how we use said fuel!

That being said, there is virtually no agreement amongst health professionals about what the optimal diet is. Some professionals will tout the vegan lifestyle, others will point to the carnivore diet, and there are tons of proponents for diets everywhere in between these two extremes.

What’s most important is that you eat a diet that works for you. By this, we mean one that you can follow, one that doesn’t cause you to gain weight, and one that provides you with all of the nutrients you need. For instance, you may have tried a strict diet plan in the past. If you aren’t still following that diet, it probably didn’t fit your lifestyle and it probably wasn’t the right choice for you. 

As far as the aforementioned nutrients, you need to take in minimum amounts of protein, carbs, and fats as your macronutrients. Additionally, you’ll need to hit all of your vitamin and mineral requirements. There are a few different government resources that can guide you toward a better diet. However, if you are unsure whether or not your current diet is setting you up for success, and you’re having trouble navigating the confusing world of online nutrition, consider setting up a consultation with a dietician or nutritionist.

Tip #3: See Your Chiropractor Regularly

Chiropractors can help people of any age. However, they can be particularly helpful to those in their senior years. 

These professionals perform treatments known as spinal adjustments. Spinal adjustments act to realign the spine when it has fallen out of optimal position. By keeping the spine strong, stable, and in the best posture possible, your chiropractor can help you stay healthy late into life.

If you are seeking ways to stay healthy, no matter what age you are, consider enlisting the help of your local Noblesville chiropractor at Anchor Health Chiropractic, the senior chiropractic clinic, today. Book your appointment now!

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