6 Signs of Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (And How Chiropractic Care Can Help!)

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and profound physical changes. While many of these changes are expected, some can lead to discomfort and pain, altering the experience significantly. 

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), an often misunderstood issue that affects the pelvic joint, is a common complaint during and after pregnancy. So, how can your Noblesville chiropractor help? And why does this condition happen in the first place?

What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)?

SPD, also known as pelvic girdle pain, occurs when the symphysis pubis, the joint at the front of the pelvis, is excessively moved. This condition is particularly prevalent during pregnancy due to hormonal changes that make the ligaments more relaxed and stretchy. 

However, SPD can affect anyone, not just pregnant individuals. It’s characterized by pain in the pelvic area, which can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

Here are the top Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) symptoms to watch out for:

  1. Pain in the Pubic Area: This can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain in the front center of your pelvic bone.
  2. Lower Back Pain: SPD often causes discomfort in the lower back, which can be mistaken for typical pregnancy-related back pain.
  3. Pain in the Hips: You may experience pain on one or both sides of your hips, often exacerbated by movement.
  4. Difficulty Walking: The pain can make it challenging to walk, especially for long distances. You might adopt a waddling gait to compensate.
  5. Pain During Leg Movements: Activities that involve moving your legs apart, such as getting out of bed or a car, can become particularly painful.
  6. Clicking or Grinding Sounds: You might hear or feel clicking or grinding in the pelvic area when moving.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, safe, and effective approach to managing SPD symptoms, particularly during pregnancy. 

A chiropractor can help improve pelvic alignment, reduce pain, enhance mobility, and improve your everyday life and function. By ensuring the pelvis is correctly aligned, chiropractors can reduce the strain on the symphysis pubis joint, alleviating pain. Additionally, gentle adjustments and soft tissue therapies can offer significant pain relief without the need for medication.

Your chiropractor may also provide guidance on posture and movements to help minimize stress on the pelvic joint and prevent further discomfort.

If you’re experiencing the signs of Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, your local Anchor Health Chiropractic team is here to help. Chiropractic care offers a path to relief and recovery, allowing you to focus on the joy of your journey rather than the pain.

Are you ready to take control of your SPD symptoms? Contact us today to book your appointment. 

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