Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Scoliosis?
If you think back to when you were in grade school, you may have had the school nurse or a doctor check your back for scoliosis. Many people suffer from scoliosis and aren’t sure what, if anything, they can do to correct the issue.
Generally, the options for correcting scoliosis come down to two broad categories: surgical or non-surgical care. In the non-surgical realm, chiropractic treatments serve as a safe, effective way to decrease the symptoms of scoliosis. So, let’s explore this topic a little further! Is chiropractic care right for you?
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is an abnormal, lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine. Often, the patient with scoliosis will demonstrate some rotation of the spine as well. The combined effect of lateral and rotary curvature of the vertebral column can cause symptoms varying from almost unnoticeable, to extremely severe.
Mild cases of scoliosis may cause the patient to have a slightly slanted appearance, where one shoulder or hip might be more prominent or appear to be higher than the other. Otherwise, the person typically has few signs of the condition and can live a perfectly normal life.
Moderate instances of the disorder may cause breathing issues from the lungs being compressed, as well as back pain, nervous system problems, and potentially even digestive issues. This group of individuals is often on the border between mild and severe cases. They may choose to pursue treatment options, or they may just live with their condition, making modifications as necessary.
In severe scoliosis, patients’ spines are so twisted and bent that they are unable to function normally. They may have very restricted breathing, extreme pain, and significant disability. For these people, treatment of one kind or another is essential.
What Can Be Done to Treat Scoliosis?
As was mentioned in the introduction, surgery has been an option for scoliosis for quite some time. While some patients may elect to go the surgical route, it’s important to note that all surgeries come with some level of risk. Therefore, the decision to go under the knife should always be weighed against other, available options.
On the other hand, chiropractic care can provide a non-operative, safe, and effective way to manage scoliosis. Chiropractic manipulations, combined with corrective exercises, can often realign the spine and relieve the pressure on any structures that may be restricted or in pain from the condition.
Chiropractors take a detailed look at the spine and develop a plan based on the patient’s goals. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment when it comes to chiropractic care!
Can Chiropractic Care be Dangerous for Patients with Scoliosis?
Some people may worry about spinal manipulations and how safe they are for patients. This is an understandable fear, as many people have misconceptions about spinal manipulations after seeing a video online or reading a news story.
The truth is, chiropractic manipulations are safe and effective. In fact, the number of serious injuries due to chiropractic manipulations is minimal, even when compared to visits to a primary care doctor.
Furthermore, chiropractors use many other treatments to address scoliosis besides just spinal manipulations. Exercise, thermal modalities, and other methods of reducing scoliotic symptoms are all used in a comprehensive chiropractic plan of care. These more “traditional” means are a big part of helping you to maintain the effects of your chiropractic treatments so that you can have some options available at home for addressing any flare-ups or issues that might occur down the road.
If you have scoliosis and are sick of dealing with your symptoms, book your appointment with your Noblesville chiropractor at Anchor Health Chiropractic today. The team at Anchor Health would love to help you address your symptoms and return to a life free from pain.