How Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Digestive Issues

In all likelihood, you know that chiropractors can help with issues such as back and neck pain. Most people are well-aware of chiropractic manipulations and other, similar treatments. However, you may be unaware of the fact that chiropractors can also help with issues affecting the digestive system.

In this article, we will discuss how chiropractic care can help patients who suffer from digestive system issues, such as IBS.


The Enteric Nervous System

If you’ve completed a few science classes over the years, you have probably heard of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Even without knowing much about these systems, everyone inherently knows how important they are to our health.

But did you know that there is another nervous system of the body contained within our digestive tract? Indeed, the enteric nervous system is every bit as complicated and important as the central and peripheral nervous systems are.

But while the enteric nervous system can operate somewhat in isolation, it of course needs input from the brain and spinal cord as well.


The Spine and the GI System

Numerous nerves connect the gut to the spinal cord. These nerves both carry sensory information from the GI system to the spinal cord, and motor (movement) information in the opposite direction.

When there is an issue with the spine, such as a spinal subluxation, it is often the case that an adjustment can help to realign this segment. Once the spine is realigned, nerve transmission is improved, often leading to better digestive health.

This is just one of the ways in which chiropractors can help patients who suffer from digestive issues.


Dietary Counseling and the GI System

Beyond spinal adjustments, chiropractors may also offer some dietary counseling in order to address your gastrointestinal issues.

Unfortunately, much of the food we see in America is of poor quality. Chemicals, excess sugars, and other unhealthy elements have infiltrated our food supply, and it doesn’t seem like they are going anywhere.

Luckily, with the help of a seasoned chiropractor, you can develop better eating habits and discover whether eliminating certain types of food will lead to improved symptoms.


Exercise and Digestive Issues

For many patients suffering from gastrointestinal distress of one form or another, exercise can be beneficial.

Regular exercise helps to stimulate blood flow to various areas of the body and can encourage the digestive system to work more efficiently.

During the course of your chiropractic plan of care, you may be encouraged to develop some new or different exercise habits and this is not to punish you!

Again, exercise provides tons of benefits for the GI system and the body as a whole. So if your chiropractor recommends that you complete some exercise in order to address your symptoms, don’t ignore her advice!


Why Some Medications May be Counterproductive for Digestive Issues

Oftentimes, the common medications prescribed for digestive system issues can cause more problems than they solve.

For example, if you take an antacid for an upset stomach, it will probably make you feel better and, to be honest, taking an antacid once or twice isn’t likely to cause problems.

But long-term use of such medications may eliminate some of the good bacteria in the gut and could lead to different issues throughout the GI tract.

On the other hand, trialing chiropractic treatments and dietary changes before resorting to antacid use may address your ailment without medication.

Anchor Health Chiropractic is your go-to chiropractor in Noblesville. We are here to help you with any issues related to wellness such as back pain, neck pain, and digestive issues. If you’ve been suffering from a health problem and want relief, book your appointment today!

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