5 Facts About Chiropractic Care You May Not Know
For the past 126 years, modern chiropractic care has become increasingly more popular as an alternative to the sick care model. The traditional sick care model only addresses symptoms with drugs and invasive procedures. Chiropractic care takes a different approach, which identifies and treats the root cause of patients’ pain, discomfort, and illnesses. This allows patients to obtain sustainable health and wellness, as well as reduce or remove their health issues. Despite the growing popularity, some people are still misinformed about this holistic care. Keep reading to learn some interesting facts you may not know yet.
1. Chiropractors Are Doctors Too
Some people may be surprised to find out that chiropractors are doctors too. Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) are licensed doctors that must undergo a minimum of 4,200 hours of training. This training includes class time, labs, and clinical internships that lead to a four year doctoral graduate degree. Similar to medical doctors, chiropractors require clinical residency, passing board exams, and obtaining state licenses before they can legally practice on patients in their state.
One key difference between medical and chiropractic doctors is that the former receives pharmaceutical and surgery training, while chiropractors receive other specialized training, such as nutrition, pediatrics, and neurology.
2. Chiropractic Care is Safe for All Ages
While most patients are adults, chiropractic care is safe for people of all ages, from newborns and children to adults and seniors. Indeed, chiropractic care is gentle and effective, making it safe for all ages. Newborns can benefit from adjustments specifically designed to reduce aches and pains experienced after birth. Seniors can benefit from adjustments designed to improve their range of motion, as well as prevent future injuries, such as slips and falls.
3. Chiropractic Adjustments Are Not Painful
When you receive your first chiropractic adjustment, it’s normal to feel a bit nervous. After all, this is all new and you’re not 100 percent sure what to expect. If you watch videos or read articles, the idea of a chiropractor adjusting your spine sounds a bit scary and odd. However, chiropractors are licensed doctors that receive extensive training, therefore are experts at performing gentle, effective, and safe adjustments for their patients.
If you hear a sound similar to cracking your knuckles, don’t worry! This is just gas releasing from your joint capsules when there is space between two adjacent joints, which is called joint cavitation. It’s helpful to remember that these adjustments are not painful. Your chiropractic office will discuss all the essential information with you and answer all of your questions during your appointment. When you are informed, your fear will go away, so you can focus on benefiting from this science-based holistic care.
4. Chiropractic Care Takes Time
Like any health and wellness treatment, chiropractic care is not magic and doesn’t cure your body instantly in one adjustment. Instead, chiropractic care helps to slowly readjust your body, so it can start healing itself as it was intended to do. When you feel pain, your body is letting you know something is wrong. If you regularly attend your chiropractic sessions, you will most likely start to experience significant improvements to your health and wellness. Consider the saying, “All good things take time,” when it comes to chiropractic care.
5. One of the Most Successful Chiropractors in History Was Blind
Did you know people with vision disabilities can become chiropractors? Dr. Charles Robinson Johnson is proof of this. Dr. Johnson was born in a mining camp and was blinded during an accident when he was 27 years old. He overcame his obstacles and eventually graduated as the first blind chiropractor at Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1918. He made history that day and opened the door for other people with vision impairments to practice too.
His inspirational story doesn’t end there. Dr. Johnson became one of the most successful chiropractors in history. Indeed, he practiced on hundreds of patients a week due to his skills and knowledge. For over twenty years, this famous chiropractor practiced in Peekskill, New York. Dr. Johnson is known as “the man who made Peekskill famous.”
We hope you enjoyed this article and hopefully you learned some new facts about chiropractic care. If you are looking for a chiropractor in the Noblesville, IN area, look no further than Anchor Health Chiropractic. Our office provides holistic, state-of-the-art chiropractic care that is customized for every patient. We would love to be your new chiropractor and help you live a healthier life without neurological interference.