Can Poor Posture Impact Your Breathing? How?
Have you or someone you love ever suffered from a respiratory disorder? If so, you’ve probably noticed that these conditions can often negatively influence posture. For example, people with emphysema tend to have rounded shoulders and a wide, expanded rib cage. In this case, the condition itself contributes to poor posture.
However, the reverse can also be true: poor posture can lead to labored breathing. Below, we’ll take a closer look at this issue and outline how chiropractic care can be the ideal treatment for posture-related breathing issues.
Posture and Breathing
The lungs sit on opposite sides of the trunk, protected by the rib cage. As we breathe in, the lungs fill with air and the rib cage rises and expands. Similarly, as we breathe out, our rib cage lowers and effectively contracts. These rib cage movements help to create a pressure differential which enables us to breathe more easily.
When we practice perfect posture, we tend to have an easy time breathing both in and out. However, if we have slumped shoulders and a constantly depressed rib cage, we may have a very difficult time taking a deep breath in.
The Importance of Posture Improvement
Not only does better posture lead to better breathing, but it also often results in less pain and dysfunction throughout the body. With good posture, the body is balanced and able to function as it should.
By even improving posture by just a few degrees, many patients notice profound health effects. In the next section, we’ll examine various ways to improve posture.
How to Improve Posture
One of the easiest ways to improve posture is through simply practicing good posture throughout the day.
For instance, while you sit at your desk, you should strive to maintain the 90-90-90 position. This position involves keeping a 90-degree angle at the hips, knees, and ankles. In doing so, each of these joints is kept in the optimal position, decreasing the stress on said regions of the body.
At the same time, you should aim to keep your back in a straight line so that your shoulders aren’t rounded forward. This can be hard to do, especially for those who have sat with poor posture for many years.
In order to help with keeping your back straight, you may consider using a lumbar roll or pillow. Simply, this is a small, padded item that can be placed behind your low back while you sit. These rolls keep your back in extension and prevent you from falling forward into a flexed position.
Besides a lumbar roll and a generally improved seated posture, you should also strive to complete regular postural exercise. By strengthening the muscles throughout the spine, you help to “pull” your shoulders backward, which can keep you in a better postural position.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Posture and Breathing
Apart from the techniques mentioned in the previous section, chiropractic care is one of the best ways to improve posture and, subsequently, labored breathing.
Chiropractors perform targeted manipulations to the spine. In doing so, they help patients move into a better posture with very little effort. In fact, many patients feel significantly better after a single chiropractic treatment session.
Have you been suffering from ill-health effects due to poor posture? Are you finding that your breathing disorder is getting worse and that your back is continuing to get stiffer as the days go by? If so, you deserve to find relief!
By initiating an exercise program, being mindful of your posture throughout the day, and seeing your chiropractor regularly, you’ll feel better before you know it! Our expert team at Anchor Health Chiropractic, your Noblesville chiropractor, is ready to help you right now. Book your appointment today.